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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

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PI Interface for UFL

Showing 28 of 4990

PI UFL ._OK file rename should be after parsing to avoid data loss during shutdowns

My understanding of UFL (confirmed by tech support) is that it will rename files to ._OK extension before loading lines into memory. This means that if the service is stopped (such as during an update) and it has not completely read into memory an...
Davin Ross 10 months ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 No status

PI UFL to allow Modern mailbox authentication oAuth

Microsoft is decommissioning POP3 authentication in O365 mailbox's, UFL requires to be upgraded to allow modern authentication methods oAuth to mailbox's
Theo Giannacopoulos about 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 No status

Create a new function indicating if the string can be turned into a number

Create a new function indicating if the string can be turned into a number. For example, IsNumber() function could return 1 if the string can be turned into a number 0 if not.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 No status

Support for mathematical operations to be performed on timestamps that are stored as SECONDS_GMT

Time manipulations (adding and subracting) can only be performed on standard datetime formats and not on SECONDS_GMT  Note: This was previously Enhancement 118924.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 Declined

Provide the option of specifying an output file path for the processed files that is different than the input file path

Allow the user to specify an output file path for the processed files that is different than the input file path, moving the files to this "output" path after they are processed. Note: This was previously Enhancement 100038.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 No status

Reference a local .csv file with mappings (TagName-InstrumentTag) to shorten start-up times.

The .csv file with TagName-InstrumentTag mappings will allow start the interface without specifying the PointSource, which will potentially shorten the start-up times against systems with larg point count. Once the interface is running it will upd...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 Declined

PI UFL Interface - create selected tags using EnablePointCreation parameter.

Customer noticed that tags can be created automatically, but he does not want to create all of the tags autmatically, but select which tags will be created. He wants to be able to select which tags will be created and which won't.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 1 No status

UFLDesigner should aid with visualizing the flow of control through the INI file

Currently, the UFLDesigner is focused on helping the user add content (variables, filters, actions, etc.) to the INI file. However, the UFLDesigner does nothing to help the user understand the interaction between these components. Rather than hav...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 No status

Create a clearer, shorter INI file syntax

Most of the problems appear in the FIELD, MSG, and message sections of the INI file. Note the difference in clarity, readability, and length between the current and proposed syntaxes below. Current syntax: [FIELD] FIELD(1).NAME="Tag" FIELD(1).T...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 0 Declined

Allow the UFL interface to delete PI tag data or provide some other supported automated method of deleting PI data from a collective.

There is no way to easily delete data in a time range if you want the changes to occur on both the primary and secondary data archive. It seems the UFL interface would be good to use to do this. You could provide it a tag name and time range and t...
Heather Boehler over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for UFL 3 No status