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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

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Batch Interfaces

Showing 55

EMERSON PK based DCS - EMDVB Interface support

Emerson has a new PK Controller based DCS available (in lieu of full blown DeltaV). This new device is contained with OPC-UA and Batch Exec/Historian. We want support for the existing EMDVB interface to supply S88 based batches into PI Event Frame...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 Declined

Add support for workgroups for PI Interface for Emerson DeltaV Syncade

Add support for workgroups for PI Interface for Emerson DeltaV Syncade
Alan Izar over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 2 Declined

Data Verification for the PI Interface for Emerson DeltaV Batch

Add a feature that performs a verification check of the data in PI against data in the DeltaV Historian and provide a report of any missing or mismatched data.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 1 Declined

Have the FTB Interface support multiple stop events for Unit Procedures

There are instances where a batch must be manipulated creating two Unit Released events in the event file. The desired behavior for the PI FactoryTalk Batch Interface would be for the second end time to overwrite the first end time when data is be...
Guest about 1 month ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 No status

Have the FTB interface not truncate the trailing "-#" index (e.g. UnitProcedureName-1) at the end of a Unit Procedure

Some FactoryTalk batch processes have overlapping Unit Procedures with trailing indexes. Because the trailing index is truncated it results in overlapping Unit Procedures with the same name which are then merged. The desired behavior would be for ...
Guest about 1 month ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 No status

Have the FTB interface capture "Active Step Change Commencing" events as event frames

Some FactoryTalk batch processes require "Active Step Change Commencing" event to be part of the batch hierarchy however the PI Interface for Factory Talk Batch starts event frames only on [EVENT] = "System Message" or "State Change".
Guest about 1 month ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 No status

Batch interface to AF connection health monitoring tag

Having a health tag for batch interfaces which monitors the connection status between the interface and its corresponding AF server. This way, users can be informed if there are any issues with the interface creating event frames on AF.
Guest over 1 year ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 No status

Batch Framework Interfaces - Allow creation of only the Event Frame levels that exist on data source

The BES/MES sometimes contains recipes with no Procedure, or even Unit Procedure. The Batch Framework Interfaces should allow the creation of only the Event Frame levels that exist on the data source. This would need to be enabled with an interfac...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 1 Declined

Allow PI Interface for EMDVB to have the ability to define the source system Time/TimeZone offset.

PI EMDVB interface stops because of time difference between SQL and PI servers: "Error, SQL Server is ahead of PI Server more than 30 seconds, please adjust clocks. " That means we should adjust the (SQL server) DCS clock. However 30 seconds see...
Jose Sanchez Colunga over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 1 Declined

Batch interface to support slightly different parsing logic

Some of the fields incoming from the DCS are user entered and prone to errors. Please allow for the option to include slightly different logics to be able to filter out those user errors (such as empty spaces at the end of the string, etc).
Alan Izar over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 Declined