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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

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We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

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PI Interfaces

Showing 314

Modify the Modbus Interface to accept 32-bit Unsigned Ints from the PLC

provide a data type to accept a 4 byte unsigned integer from the PLC.  At this point, it would be stored in a 64-bit float in PI DA.
Clint Ramsey over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interfaces for Modbus 3 Declined

For PItoPI interface having a source PI-HA collective, allow failover on source automatically.

This enhancement would allow the PItoPI interface to treat a source PI collective as a collective, rather than requiring PItoPI failover to be specified for collective members.
Heather Boehler over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI to PI Interface 3 Tell us more

PI Interface for Foxboro I/A 70 Series should support Windows 2016 and I/A Version 9.4

The PI Foxboro Interface should support the new Foxboro platform on Windows Server 2016 and I/A Version 9.4.
neuhach1 over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Other Interfaces 2 Evaluating

Allow Tag Template Triggers to trigger on blank placeholders

Currently, Batch Interface Framework interfaces implement tag template triggers that can trigger whenever a placeholder has any value. These interfaces should also support triggering when a placeholder does not have a value. For example, our SISBa...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 6 Planned

PI Interface for OPC AE Instrument tag any attibute should work

As now it is just Source and Area event attributes that work for the instrument tag. It should be possible for any attribute to work as a filter in instrument tag. It is not every OPC AE server that supports Source and Area.
Hobbe over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Other Interfaces 0 No status

Support for the VT_UI4 data type

As a PI System User I would like to archive and analyse VT_UI4 data using the PI System.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for OPC DA 0 No status

Support float64 point type in PI Interface for China Network Isolator

China Network Isolator interface does not support float64 point type, which is required by many customers in China. Right now, they have to change the point type to string first and then to float64 by analytics, this will consume two times of lice...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Other Interfaces 3 No status

OPC Alarms&Events interface should natively support event frame creation

As a PI Interface for OPC Alarms & Events user that would like to leverage AF Event Frames for more advanced analysis, I would like for the OPC AE interface to have an option to natively create event frames that open when a Status = Active mes...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Other Interfaces 2 No status

Enhance the OPC Interface to specify which groups are not receiving data

When a polled group does not receive data for more than 2 scan cycles, the interface updates the device status health point to 5 | Error | One or more groups not getting data. It will be useful to also specify which scan classes did not receive da...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for OPC DA 0 No status

Enhancement for Advise tags to poll  OPC server when Excmax expires

Currently, when an advise tag does not get a value in an ExcMax period,  the interface will send the same value to PI over again without going to the OPC server (assuming that the OPC interface has not disconnected from the OPC server during ...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI Interface for OPC DA 3 No status