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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for AVEVA PI System. For links to our other feedback portals, please see the tab RESOURCES below.


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Showing 4928

Check Out Function for Displays

Our company has designated the PI Vision displays as an IT responsibility which means ,at any given time, several people could be editing the same Vision display. We had an instance where one employee was adding a max transformer load into a displ...
ebergman over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Authoring Displays 0 No status

PI SQL Commander's Template-Specific Data Model Wizard should include a search/filter to make locating templates in the template selection step easier.

PI SQL Commander's Template-Specific Data Model Wizard should include a search/filter to make locating templates in the template selection step easier. Currently for AF databases with many templates, a user has to use a scroll bar in order to find...
Bethany Jewett about 1 year ago in AVEVA™ PI System Access (PSA) / PI SQL Client 0 No status

PI Ecuation in AF Analyses accept starttime and endtime from client

584 / 5.000 Processbook and Datalink allow dynamic starttime and endtime in PI Equations.For example, the TimeEq function allows you to obtain the starttime and endtime of the client.Our PI Vision users would find it very useful to have that featu...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI System Access (PSA) / PI AF SDK 0 No status

plz display the limits for asset comparison tables (Ad Hoc trending)

We have AF configured with multistate limits . This is very useful for adhoc analysis, because when we have a gauge chart in PIvision, adding it to the adhoc will trend both the actual value + the limits (i.e. limits such as HighHigh, High, Low, L...
AlejandroGL over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Ad Hoc Analysis 1 No status

Simpler performance analysis service statistics review directly in AF Explorer

Consider implementation performance analysis service statistics in AF Explorer which is now performed in a complicated way by exporting data to Excel, rearranging and viewing in a pivot table. It would also be useful to be able to retrieve that da...
igreguri over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Analytics & Calculations 0 No status

Allow sending data to Apache Kafka target in XML Format using the PI Integrator for Business Analytics

It might be necessary to send data to Apache Kafka target in XML, because Consumers might need the data in XML format (altough it can be considered outdated). This would avoid the necessity to convert the data from JSON to XML as an additional ste...
Julian Baur over 2 years ago in PI Integrators / AVEVA™ PI Integrator for Business Analytics 0 No status

PI Notification Send PI Vision HTML display not a screen shot

We have several reports that take advantage of collections in PI Vision. Collections let you view data across multiple assets sharing a template. Within a collection, we have several trends, which require you to scroll down. We need to send these ...
MattBa over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Notifications 0 No status

Configurable XY Plot scale intervals

Be able to configure the scale intervals of XY Plots. Currently while it is possible to customise the scale range of the axes in XY Plots, it is not possible to be able to specify the scale intervals to be used.
Miwa Teranishi about 1 year ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Symbols 0 No status

Rename "Compressed Data" to "Archived Data"

In the PI DataLink tab in the Ribbon, "Compressed Data" should be renamed to "Archived Data" since it actually retrieves archived data and not just compressed data. The icon should also be changed accordingly. Not all data in the PI Data Archive n...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI DataLink™ / Help / Documentation / Videos 0 No status

Rename "Time Filtered" to "Condition Time"

"Time Filtered" was meant to be interpreted as "Time [Spent] Filtered", but it can easily be misinterpreted as "Time[-]Filtered" (i.e. filtered by time, i.e. Compressed Data). Please rename "Time Filtered" to "Condition Time" so that the name bett...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI DataLink™ / Help / Documentation / Videos 0 No status