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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

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We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

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PI Interfaces

Showing 316

Uni-Int to write to scan-class health tags on startup

We've noticed this particularly with the RDBMS-PI interface when configured for failover: Health tags that are only written to when the interface becomes primary or has completed its first scan (eg Point Count, Scan Class I/O Rate etc.) say 'Intf ...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / General 0 No status

DeltaV Smart Connector Enhancement

I think it would be a good idea to allow exception settings to be created. The DeltaV history collection settings only allow for compression. Since many/most users use 1/2 compression for their exception value then perhaps we could have a check bo...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / General 0 No status

Separate commonly used PI Interfaces that do not have a successor into read-only and write-only versions

Currently, it is recommended to use the read-only version of a PI Interface if only reading is required, and to have separate read and write instances of the read-write version of a PI Interface if writing is required. (Reference: https://docs.osi...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / General 1 No status

Allow using SQL as a data source for FactoryTalk Batch

Rockwell FactoryTalk Batch v12.01 allows to output batch data to a SQL database as well as EVT files. Just like with EMDVB, the PI Interface for FTBatch should be able to use both data sources.
Alan Izar over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 1 Declined

PI AMI Itron Interface support for TLS1.3

PI AMI Itron Interface currently supports TLS1.1. Microsoft ended support for TLS1.1 in March 2020. To keep the PI AMI Itron Interface usable with latest browsers, please update to support TLS1.3.
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Other Interfaces 0 Evaluating

Support dynamic indexes from Linux devices for PI Interface for SNMP

When the interface machine needs to be restarted for any reason, the connection to the source (when a Linux device) is lost because Linux uses dynamic indexes and the Interface does not have a way to manage that. Tags need to be reconfigured every...
Laurie Dieffenbach 8 months ago in PI Interfaces / Other Interfaces 1 Declined

Enhance pitopi.ini sections to include point source to make them unique

The pitopi.ini file is used by the pitopi interface for collecting data from multiple sources and to save other miscellaneous settings such as 'histonly' flags. The configuration ini file uses sections to separate settings between instances with a...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI to PI Interface 2 No status

PItoPI should give indication when it is stuck querying a corrupt source archive

Currently, PItoPI interface can get "stuck" if it is querying a source data archive that is corrupt with no indication that this is what's happening.  It appears to be sending data to the destination server, but no data is received.  It ...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI to PI Interface 1 No status

Support Analysis Backfill of Source Tag

Many of our source tags sending data to a central Data Archive are populated with data from analyses on the source AF Server. This creates two problems when we perform a backfill that recalculates data over a specified timespan for the source tag:...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / PI to PI Interface 0 No status

Enhance element creation to use user defined element templates

The interface can automatically create an element at each level of event frames, but the elements do not derive from a template and there is no way to specify any attributes on the element. The enhancement request is to create elements that are ba...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Interfaces / Batch Interfaces 0 Declined