OSIsoft uses many synonyms and similar-sounding terms. This can get confusing, especially for beginners. Please write a KB article outlining some of these confusing terms. For example:
Archived = historized = stored/saved in PI
Backfill = backdate = perform history recovery
"PI Point" and "tag" are often used interchangeably because each PI Point has a tag attribute that uniquely identifies it
"Event" is used in 2 different ways: the combination of timestamp and value that is saved to a PI Point, and a real-life occurrence corresponding to an Event Frame
A PI Integrator is a type of PI program. A PI System Integrator is a type of OSIsoft partner.
PI Connector ≠ COM Connector (covered in https://customers.osisoft.com/s/knowledgearticle?knowledgeArticleUrl=000027351)
OSIsoft Cloud Services ≠ PI Cloud Connect
PI SDK ≠ PI AF SDK and PI API ≠ PI Web API. Succession order: PI API → PI SDK → PI AF SDK.
A PI Interface node will sometimes be called a "PI API node" because PI Interfaces are one of the main users of PI API (mentioned in https://docs.osisoft.com/bundle/overview-of-pi-interfaces/page/pi-interfaces.html)
The PI OPC DA Server is not the same as the PI Interface For OPC DA. The same can be said about HDA.
In "PI DA", the "DA" is not a reference to "OPC DA". It just means "Data Archive".
OSIsoft uses "PI Server" to mean any computer running the PI Data Archive, the PI Asset Framework, or possibly the PI Analysis Service or the PI Notifications Service, or the collection of those computers. Customers tend to use "PI server" to mean any server running server-side PI programs (e.g. PI Interface/Connector/Integrator computers).
The informal/internal naming of PI Interfaces. For example:
PIPerfMon = PI Interface For Performance Monitor
PI UFL = UFL Interface = PI Interface For UFL
RDBMSPI = PI Interface For RDBMS