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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for AVEVA PI System. For links to our other feedback portals, please see the tab RESOURCES below.

Status Declined
Product PI Integrators
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Provide SQL Scripts for Creating the SQL Database Prior to Installation

Provide a way for a user with elevated SQL credentials to complete the SQL part of the installation prior to another user completing the installation of the executable. Customer Issue: Many customers have restricted access to SQL servers that an installing user would need to complete the installation. Providing scripts for the customer to complete the database creation before the installation means they can review the specific tasks that will be carried out before running the scripts, and they can have a user with existing elevated permissions perform this part of the installation.
    Aug 19, 2022
    Thank you for sharing your feedback! We have reviewed this idea, but have decided to decline it for now, as we are focused on other high priority work within the PI System, and don't expect we'll be able to prioritize this idea in a reasonable time period. We do have a workaround procedure that can be followed, and while it's not as convenient, it can at least get users past this hurdle. See details in our knowledge base here: You may have recently noticed that a number of ideas on our feedback site have been marked as “Declined”. While many of these ideas are great and valuable suggestions, we need to be more diligent about recognizing our development priorities and communicating back to those users when we realize we won't be able to act on something. We are currently working through a large effort to clean our feedback forums up and provide "Declined" statuses where we recognize that we won't be working on an idea in a reasonable timeframe. This effort spans across all of our products and will help us improve the transparency, usability, and sustainability of our feedback forums. If an idea that was declined is critical for your operations, please let us know by adding a comment on the idea.
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    For everyone interested, you can download the SQL scripts from
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    To provide more context, it would be ideal if running SQL Scripts was always optional, for any product. In the case that prompted this request, a database upgrade was not necessary, but the installation kit insisted on conducting an upgrade anyway. The account used to run the installation kit doesn’t have the necessary permissions so the install kit had to be cancelled and the upgrade, therefore, failed.
  • Gabriel Verreault
    Aug 19, 2022
    The person performing the install / upgrade should not necessarily have access to the database, and the DBA should not necessarily have access to the frontend application node. Another use case, is when there is simply a move of the application service - no need to change the SQL backend. Additionally, all products should be consistent. AF and PI Vision already provide this functionality, it should be standard across all applications with a SQL backend.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    If your organization has tight control over SQL Server changes, it will be impossible for you to install the Integrator if you can't provide these scripts to your DBAs, thereby making it impossible to use the product.. There is a comment below indicating that the SQL scripts can be downloaded, but the URL is old and no longer available. Perhaps this request can be easily addressed by just providing a link to the scripts in the product User Guide (no coding necessary). HOWEVER, if the installer doesn't recognize that the scripts have already been run, having them available separately doesn't help. This would require a change to the installer, but other products already do this.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    The original commenter was actually referencing the SQL scripts for a different product (the PI Integrator for Business Analytics). We do not have an available download for the PI Integrator for Esri ArcGIS's SQL scripts, but there is a procedure that can be followed in situations where the user performing the installation does not have the required permissions to create the database in the SQL Server. Please see our knowledge base article here for details: It's not as convenient, but it at least does make it possible to get past this hurdle.