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285 VOTE
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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 18, 2022

Collection: Sort by attribute value

When creating a collection, would like to sort the collection by a specific attribute value (what is shown in the collection).  For example, a collection of tanks showing percent full.  Would like to be able to order the collection by percent full, to show the most full tanks at the top of the collection. This functionality should also be added to the Asset Comparison Table.
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  • Andre Perez
    Aug 5, 2023

    Collections are becoming increasingly important in our organization, this would be a great and essential feature to add. UI/UX could be similar to the attribute filtering; choose which attribute to sort by and then select ascending or descending order.

  • Jason Novotny
    Nov 23, 2022

    This would be a very valuable feature that could quickly improve the utility of several of my displays. Please make this a priority.

  • Andreas Kar
    Sep 27, 2022

    I would also highly appreciate this feature so that we can be more flexible when sorting collection items / assets. Because currently you need to stick to the name which is sometimes not really the natural sorting (process flow, etc.).

    It should be no big deal to implement as attribute information is already available, it just needs to be utilized.

  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    This would be a extremely useful idea when required to present data in a league table type presentation.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    In response to Keilan Knight, "I'm surprised how many down votes this h..." I think there is a bug in how PISquare is interpreting votes and what is actually on the feedback site
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    I'm surprised how many down votes this has received? I'm wondering if its possible to write this functionality ourselves easily? We are using collections for nice lists (the asset comparison table is good, but still a bit limited) The problem is, we'd like the sorting to match the hierarchy, lets say Element1 has child elemehts A B and C, and Element 2 also has A B and C but may also have a D E and F aswell. The collection is grouping all the A's, grouping all the B's, but we want to see Element1 > A, B, C then Element2 A,B ...... (contrived example but you get the idea!)
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    In response to Vincent Kaufmann, "I think there is a bug in how PISquare i..." Ahh ok that makes sense then
  • ehoffman
    Aug 18, 2022
    This definitely needs to be an option in future releases. Currently the random sort makes the awesome power of the collections very difficult to view when setting up a display for 28 different sites. In our case we would like to sort on a Site attribute so that we could view the data for our plants in alphabetical order. Or an option to sort on the parent element would be nice too.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    We really need this. Currently we are dismantling collections more and more to have control over the sorting. And then while the Collections are one of the best features in PI Vision!
  • Pete Long
    Aug 18, 2022
    our use case is to show the health values of assets. The desire is to sort from the 'sickest' asset (highest value) to the least, so you don't have to hunt through what could ultimately be several hundred pumps and motors. Thanks you soooo much for considering this in the next release ;-)
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    Yes, sorting by attribute value and also by the full path string would be quite useful.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    This is essential to be able to undertand your TOP 10, TOP 50, TOP X assets or worst assets, based on an attribute value, without having to look at the full collection to search for those assets. Basically, this would be to have a similar functionality than the Asset Comparison Table symbol, for which you can order the rows by the values of the various columns you decide to display.
  • karthi44
    Aug 18, 2022
    This solves many problems when we prepare a dashboard for a fleet. We need to add the attributes by which we could do the sorting, just like how we filter for specific elements by aAsset Type --- > Asset attributes
  • holemn
    Aug 18, 2022
    This idea would provide tremendous benefit to those who are using collections to visualize large amounts of trends. Example : if you were reviewing Heater Temperatures/Pressures, you want the user to review all 50 of these trends, but the highest temperature is the first item you want to be shown first so that it's always getting the most visibility.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    I really like the new symbol collection in pi vision. I would like to have the possibility to order the assets in the collection not by name but by any attribute of the asset. That could be quite useful for sorting asset f.e. by sales or amount produced.
  • PLeão
    Aug 18, 2022
    Hi, everyone! We really need this feature. Its a simple one that could improve the PI Vision to a level that we expect. Please, include this in the next realease!
  • sahilp
    Aug 18, 2022
    It would also be nice to sort by full path on the AF tree.
  • Maxime Raguenet
    Aug 18, 2022
    it's been three years now. did I miss something or it's not been implemented yet?
  • Christoph Rose
    Aug 18, 2022
    We would also love to see this. Sorting only by the name of the AF Element is very limiting. We can already dynamically filter which Elements to show by Attribute values, so adding the ability to sort by Attribute value shouldn't be that difficult?
  • Dan.Louchbaum
    Aug 18, 2022
    Our elements are named by the piece of equipment that they are, not based on the process flow. Example elements: Mid-section_shaping_Motor and Final_Cutting_Motor. I want to create a Pi Vision screen that shows an attribute of these elements from left-to-right or top-to-bottom that shows process flow order. In this case, because my 'Final..' element starts with "F" which is before "M" in the alphabet it is out of order which confused my process techs using the screen. If the sort-by-attribute filter was available then I could create a new attribute managed only by Pi-admins for ordering these elements, and assign them a sequential process order WITHOUT having this number as apart of my element name. Putting the number in the beginning of the element is the current work-around suggestion. This is a bad work-around because the number should mean nothing to the end-users of PiVision. Adding to that, in some cases my element names have other numbers on purpose already. Example element might be Mid-section-7_Drive. the workaround today would tell me to put a sequential number before 'mid' that would make my new Element name like this: 83-Mid-section-7_Drive. The workaround is not worth effort and causes confusion.
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