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251 VOTE
Status Completed
Categories Symbols
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 18, 2022

Time series table

Provide a symbol in PI Vision which displays the timestamp and archive values of a data item in a table based on the display's time range. Customer Issue: Customer uses PI Vision to monitor the most recent 100 seconds of data on their production line, which updates every 10 seconds. The process engineers want to be able to see the previous 10 measurements collected. The values on the display need to be clearly visible from a distance and able to display the desired information without interaction. This can currently be done with ProcessBook or DataLink, but a thin client is preferred for these machines near the production line which have minimal software installed.
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  • PI User
    Dec 4, 2024

    Thank you very much for bringing this feature to the final product!

  • Holger Joist
    Aug 22, 2024

    Important features woud be
    - recorded and interpolated values
    - multistate support
    - csv export

  • LorenzoF
    Feb 6, 2024

    This feature is mandatory to analyze trends properly especially in regulated environments in which you need to highlight a specific archived value.

    i.e. A trend is not enough if you need to get the exact time lasted for a Device (PLC, probe, etc) fault / disconnection. It's even harder if you need to analyze other trend values starting from another tag archived bit (that includes a timestamp).

    That would be pretty easy using something like the old Processbook "Details and Annotations" feature.

  • Rebekah@SCG
    Oct 27, 2023

    Customer has a string tag that stores the control system alarm messages. They would like to be able to view all of the alarm messages for a time period. Bonus points if you support filtered compressed data in the table. Then they could filter the string tag for alarms from specific equipment.

  • neuhach1
    Oct 25, 2023

    This feature should simply have been standard for years.

    Now we as customers are supposed to deliver the use case. This is just annoying.

  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    Create a table symbol that retrieves the last 40 (#) [or by time] archive values from the tag or attribute. Show the timestamps and values.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    I need a way to compare lab tag results to the corresponding reading from a probe tag. In DataLink it is easy. Pull Compressed values for the lab tag, then pull Timed values for the probe tag. I need this functionality in PI Vision and/or ProcessBook. Anything that can be done to improve the reporting capabilities of these tools since it appears like OSIsoft is taking away our other reporting options.
  • Kenneth Barber
    Aug 18, 2022
    What does that even mean?
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    Compressed data table in PI Vision to see archived data in a given time span.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    I need the ability to show a table of archive values on a PI Vision display.  I have operator comments tags with text comments entered at various times.  I need a table to show all archive entries for one of these tags for the time range of the display.  Is this possible?  Has it already been requested?  Thank you!
  • kimmyberly26
    Aug 18, 2022
  • Matt Voll
    Aug 18, 2022
    This sort of sounds like the custom object from GitHub; Advanced Time Series Data Table. It would be nice if this object was made a more official symbol with other improvements somewhat mentioned here, like customizing the look and feel of the table
  • Emmanuelle
    Aug 18, 2022
    Compressed data table in PI Vision to see archived data and annotations in a given time span.
  • photi24
    Aug 18, 2022
    When will the function be released?
  • ehoffman
    Aug 18, 2022
    It's disappointing that this is no longer scheduled. This would be a nice feature to have in PI Vision especially for manually entered data points or data points that aren't saved real frequent.
  • Cédric Canguilhem
    Aug 18, 2022
    I've created a custom symbol based on the Github one, with styling options like the table core symbol, and other features for headers and border (see file attached). If someone is interested, I'll create a post on PI Square and share the implementation details.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    This would be an great idea.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    This is sadly missing in PIVision, and is the reason Processbook is still being used with the View->Details pane open for trend data.
  • Shawn McNabb
    Aug 18, 2022
    I agree with Bryan1. It seem it should be a standard built in symbol or control. It's a historian so being able to view archived values in multiple ways seems an obvious use case.
  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022
    Being able to show a table with an analysis broken down by various times would be super useful.
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  • +152

Add a default table widget for full points history

I would like to add a "Time Series Data Table" to our Pi Vision displays via a new Asset widget to show the values of all data points for a Pi Tag, but t here is currently no default widget like this that comes with PI Vision at this time. I under...
sunbum 5 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Authoring Displays 0 Completed

Offer a new Time Series native symbol

As a PI Vision user I want to be able to add time series of an AF Attribute with PIPoint data reference or directly a PI Tag to a table and see each and every recorded values with their timestamps for the time range of the display's time bar. Of c...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Symbols 1 Completed