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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for AVEVA PI System. For links to our other feedback portals, please see the tab RESOURCES below.



Showing 35

Provide a central point to manage the security for the whole PI System

Instead of having several admlin tools to manage the security for data archive, AF, PI Vision, PI Integrators Could you provide a centralized security management interface which could manage all the existing and upcoming OSIsoft tools
jerome.boudon over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 1 No status

Add Kerberos Authentication for PI Asset Analytics

Currently, PI Asset Analytics utilizes NTLM authentication. My customer's MSFT Windows Ops team does not recommend using NTLM and by default have this deactivated. Request is to add support for Kerberos authentication for PI Asset Analytics as ...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 0 No status

OIDC authentication with federated accounts (through CONNECT) requires too many steps

Currently, it is a 5-step process to get authenticated. After the first authentication, it is only a 3-step process, but still clunky.
Laurie Dieffenbach 3 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 0 No status

Have pre-made PI Identities with minimum permissions by default

It currently takes more effort to follow AVEVA's recommendation of setting minimum permissions for all PI service accounts than it is to use fewer service accounts with more permissions. To help steer PI administrators in the right direction, plea...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 2 No status

Do not require permission to PIPOINT if the permission is already covered by Point Security or Data Security According to the documentation linked above, when permission to Point Security or Data Security is required, the same permission to PIPOINT is also required. This i...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 2 No status

Ability to manage non-impersonated linked tables without PI AF Server Admin privilegies

PI AF Admin would like grant permissions for users that are not level server admins to create and edit non-impersonated linked tables. Currently this only allowed for AF server admins or using impersonated linked tables. User guide: https://liv...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 3 No status

Auditviewer separation of roles

I want to separate the security roles between 1) the ability to run an Auditviewer report and (potentially) associate a change control record to a configuration change and 2) the PI Admin Role in order to minimize security risk.
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 1 No status

Be able to configure PI AF security in a single PI System Explorer window

Currently, there are 2 windows to configure PI AF security, and it is a pain to switch between them: File → Database → Edit Security, which is used to assign permissions to identities File → Server Properties → Identities tab and Mappings tab, whi...
Kenneth Barber over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 1 Declined

We need a method to send pi message log to syslog server

Provide a configurable export of PI Message log to syslog server.
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 0 No status

Have an option in AF Security to not pass down database security to newly created objects

Use case: We want to give a user read access to a single element. All future elements created inherit the Database level Security, meaning the user will also have read access to all future created elements.
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Security 0 Declined