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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for AVEVA PI System. For links to our other feedback portals, please see the tab RESOURCES below.


All ideas

Showing 5005

Identification of unused PI Vision displays

Currently the PI Vision "Display usage information" report only shows displays that have been accessed at least once. It should also show displays with zero accesses, which are an indication that they might not be needed anymore. By identifying un...
victor.guiotoku 4 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Administration 0 No status

Multistate values on Notification emails

As a user of PI AF and Notifications Service, I would like to send emails, with contents whose color will be changing according to the condition, like a Multistate Symbol on PI Processbook. I would like to avoid creating a number of email formats ...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Notifications 3 Declined

Layering functionality for PI Vision similar to that of ProcessBook

PI Vision currently does not support any functionality for layers. It would nice to be able to create custom layers that could toggled on a single Vision display. ProcessBook currently has layering feature that is very useful for simplifying a com...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Look & Feel / Styling 5 No status

Trend: Ability to multistate trace pen color

As a PI Vision user, I want to be able to configure a trend's trace color to be conditional based on the trace value. Each section of the trace should be colored appropriately based on its value at that time. See attached image for example.
Ryan McErlean over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Symbols 5 No status

Trend: Regression line

Support for a linear regression lines on trends, similar to what was available in PI ProcessBook.
Ryan McErlean over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Symbols 5 Evaluating

Please have PI Integrator for Business Analytics supports high availability (HA)

As a user of PI Integrator for Business Analytics, I'd like to have it support high availability (HA).
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Integrators / AVEVA™ PI Integrator for Business Analytics 7 Tell us more

Allow Display owner to change Display owner

By now, the display owner can only be changed by PIVision administrators. However, there are times when PIVision users who are display owners, want to shift their displays to other colleagues, for example if they switch their position within the c... over 1 year ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Display Management / Displays Page 1 No status

Option to paste column names to AF table definition

Option to Paste column names in table definition. In the moment everything has to be put manually. Also sorting is painful. If we could just copy an array/list from Excel and paste here it would make the handling a lot easier. (Copying the table d...
PhilippEven 4 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Asset Framework (AF) 0 No status

Make Analysis trigger on different inputs when timestamps of input tags are equal

If an Analysis is triggered on "Any Input", and the inputs have the same timestamp but come in after each other, the Analysis is only triggered at the first input. For example: We have a simple Analysis which summarizes 2 tag. The first tag comes...
ArieVanBoven over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Analytics & Calculations 11 Evaluating

Allow Copy & Paste of Notification Rules

I would like to be able to copy a notification rule in PI System Explorer from an existing element or template and paste it on another element or template. That way when I have similar notification rules, I can copy/paste and make only the changes...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Server / Notifications 6 No status