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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

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PI Connectors

Showing 388

Root NodeID 255 character limit

For the PI Connector OPC UA configuration, the Root NodeIds field can only accept a maximum of 255 characters currently. This is seriously limiting if we need to gather a lot of data from many pieces of equipment
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / New PI Connector Request 1 No status

PI Connector for Wonderware to be able to detect dll files in other drives other than C drive

Had a customer that just installed PI Connector for wonderware of current version (v1.6.9.14) and his connector is unable to start. Upon discussion after troubleshooting, it was noted that the directory where dll files can be located on customer's...
Chaur Ann Poh over 1 year ago in PI Connectors / PI Connector for Wonderware Historian 0 No status

Support of EEC (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ) Certificates

Make the Connector, DCM and Relay support EEC (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) Certificates in future versions. Admin Certificates can be exchanged manually usinmg netsh, but the usage of RSA encrypted certificates is required here.
Julian Baur about 2 years ago in PI Connectors / General 0 No status

Automatically updating digital state sets with PI System Connector

Add a feature to the PI System Connector so that it updates automatically digital state sets on the Destination Data Archive when edited on the source Data Archive. Currently PI System Connector replicates digital state sets referenced by the PI p...
Guest over 1 year ago in PI Connectors / PI System Connector 0 No status

Need EtherNet/IP connector to be able to read and write.

Need EtherNet/IP connector to be able to read and write. Currently EtherNet/IP connector is read only.
Francis2 over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / PI Connector for Ethernet/IP 0 No status

Wonderware Historian Connector - Allow Custom Tag Naming

The Wonderware/AVEVA Historian has some different illegal characters than PI tags and there are also cases where a single tag prefix isn't sufficient (e.g. when storing data from multiple buildings in the WW Historian). The Connector should have t...
Sublette-Sanofi over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / PI Connector for Wonderware Historian 0 No status

support linked tables for system connector

some of our data reside outside the PI System (e.g. in a LIMS System). to commuicate this kind of data to a global PI System, also linked tables and it values need to be sent to the global PI System.
FranzK over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / PI System Connector 0 Declined

The PI System Connector should be able to replicate Digital State Edits or Deletion

When Digital States are editted or deleted on the Source Data Archive, these changes are not replicated on Destination with the PI System Connector
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / PI System Connector 0 No status

PI Connector for MQTT Sparkplug - Allow users to configure clean session flag

I would like to be able to configure the 'clean session' flag when configuring data sources on the connector, to allow for messages to be buffered on the broker in the event that the connector is unavailable. Currently the connector sets the clea...
Guest over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / Other specific PI Connector 0 No status

PI APS Connector for GE XA21

The PI APS Connector for GE XA21 can not handle digital sets from GE XA21. This makes the Automatic Point Sync only semi automatic, You need to load the digital sets maually while Points are updated automatically. If the APS can transfer digital s...
ErikJansson over 2 years ago in PI Connectors / Other specific PI Connector 1 No status