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104 VOTE
Status No status
Categories Ad Hoc Analysis
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 19, 2022

Timebar: Add control for flexible time manipulation

Similar to the timebar in Coresight 2.x, add the ability for a user to finely control time using a slider and increase or decrease the time duration using the slider.
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  • Mike Horrocks
    Jul 2, 2024

    Having some way to move backward/forward in periods independant of the time range of the display would allow for much finer control when doing analysis. For example, on a display with many multi-states but I may want to move back/forth minute by minute to see the order of events while still viewing a trend over a longer period of time around the events.

    When using Event Frames to apply the time range, I often then want to move backward by a small amount of time to see the data leading up to the event.

    Displays with only multi-states and values, but no trends, may require a longer time range to catch events, but I also want to navigate back/forth in smaller increments.

    As a workaround, I created a blank trend (a calculation with the expression "0") to allow my to cut-off the top of the range and only show the section that can be used to drag the time range back/forth. It's a little messier than I would prefer though.

  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    This should be able to be set by a group of items on a display. Need to be able to have different items be controlled by different timebars
  • Richard Sherry
    Aug 19, 2022
    I found the original coresight time bar useful for trends but too basic for general displays (e.g. any values shown were just at the end of the time range). The basic time selection functionality (suitable for trends) should be the priority but I would request that it be developed in such a way to allow for the the time playback functionality provided by the Process Book "Time Range and Playback Toolbar", or at the very least a 'cursor' to move the time being used for non-trend data in the display.
  • jsorrell
    Aug 19, 2022
    Add a sliding time range bar at the bottom.
  • Uwe Hautmann
    Aug 19, 2022
    We would like to have a bar (the black one) with which the timeperiod that is shown can be adjusted by drag and drop, like in Coresight 2012. Furthermore we would like to have a bar such as the blue bar in Coresight 2012 under each trend, so it is easier to see what timestamp the data is from, instead of merely having Start- and Endtime and the timeperiod in the middle such as in Coresight 2016. Attached screenshot as example from Coresight 2012.
  • Guest
    Aug 19, 2022
    PI Vision is new to our site and the first thing the users are doing is grabbing the chart and trying to slide the time forward and backward. They end up drawing a rectangle and zooming in. Then the questions about some sort of time slider start coming up. I hope this can be added, a bar they can grab maybe below the graph that slides forward and backward some amount. Maybe if they pick an hour window, allow an hour forward/backward in sliding time.
  • Christoph Rose
    Aug 19, 2022
    Just as a note: In trends you can grab the bottom 20% in order to slide left and right. A way to adjust only the time range (without manually entering the start/end time) would be quite useful however. Plotly solves this for zooming in by making the zoom "rectangle" into a line (one axis only) if the rectangle is extremely narrow.
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