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AVEVA™ PI System™ Feedback Portal

Welcome to our feedback site!

We created this site to hear your enhancement ideas, suggestions and feedback about AVEVA products and services. All of the feedback you share here is monitored and reviewed by the AVEVA product managers.

To start, take a look at the ideas in the list below and VOTE for your favorite ideas submitted by other users. POST your own idea if it hasn’t been suggested yet. Include COMMENTS and share relevant business case details that will help our product team get more information on the suggestion. Please note that your ideas and comments are visible to all other users.

This page is for feedback specifically for AVEVA PI System. For links to our other feedback portals, please see the tab RESOURCES below.


AVEVA™ PI Vision™

Showing 1724

Announcements on the PI Vision start page

As a PI administrator I want to be able to make announcements to the users on the PI Vision start page from time to time. Examples of announcements is planned upgrade dates and times, information about new features, problems with data capture fro...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Administration 5 No status

Export event frame data to CSV from event details and comparison displays

From the event details or event comparison displays in PI Vision, it would be useful to export event frame data (including attributes and values) to CSV/XML.
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Event Comparison Displays 9 No status

Monitor PI Vision Health

As an administrator of PI Vision, I would like built in capabilities to automate monitoring the health of my PI Vision server similar to the  capcabilities of the UniInt Health Points from PI Interfaces.
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Administration 3 No status

Ability to easily copy paste PI Tag

Previously, in PI Processbook, PI Tagging can be easily copy paste at edit windows. Currently, its quite tricky to copy paste the tagging, you need to copy from the name of the tagging, if the name changed, the steps even troublesome. Propose to e...
Guest about 2 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Sharing & Collaboration 0 No status

Batch removal of Identities from PI Vision displays

Currently PI Vision display utility is only able to add identities in batch to selected displays, but for removing them it has to be done manually, one by one, making the process of cleaning up identities time consuming and prone to manual errors....
victor.guiotoku about 2 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Administration 0 No status

Configure the Color Theme for the PI Vision Chrome

User Story: As an administrator, I would like to configure the color theme used for the PI Vision Chrome SO THAT I can make the application fit within my company’s look and feel.
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Look & Feel / Styling 7 No status

PI Vision home page load time

Improve the timing for PI Vision home page first load, for large amount of diplays.
Eduardo Mirra Galante Miller 9 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / User Experience 0 No status

Add functionality to Pi Vision: Place to set thresholds that trigger email notifications

I have used other time series database and front ends that had the ability, while designing a screen, to also set thresholds on points and specify an email address that would get an alert email if the values were out of threshold. My company would...
dave sims 22 days ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Notifications 0 No status

Ability to change trace source tag from inside Configure Trend Dialog box of the trend

In PI Processbook, the user can replace the tagname assigned to a trace in a trend simply by typing over the tagname with the new tagname. Provide this feature to replace existing tags inside a trend. In ProcessBook method for swapping out tags in...
Jim Gunderman 6 months ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / User Experience 3 No status

Gauge: Support Zones / Scale Ranges

Support zone configuration on gauges so that the user has an indication of whether the attribute is in a good or bad state.  If an attribute has limits defined for it in PI AF (LO, LOLO, HI, HIHI), the gauge should default to the limits by ...
Guest over 2 years ago in AVEVA™ PI Vision™ / Symbols 14 No status